Αυτό-αξιολόγηση για κάθε σημείο των 21 κριτηρίων του GC Advanced level CoP και παραπομπή σε αντίστοιχους δείκτες του GRI και παραγράφους αυτού του Απολογισμού. H πιστοποίηση από ανεξάρτητο φορέα έγινε, επίσης, για κάθε σημείο καθενός κριτηρίου.
Strategies & Operations
The CoP describes mainstreaming into corporate functions and business units
- Place responsibility for execution of sustainability strategy in relevant corporate functions (procurement, government affairs, human resources, legal, etc) ensuring no function conflicts with company’s sustainability commitments and objectives.
- Align strategies, goals and incentive structures of all business units and subsidiaries
with corporate sustainability strategy.
- Ensure that different corporate functions coordinate closely to maximize performance
and avoid unintended negative impacts.
- 102-14, 102-18, 102-22, 102-25
Moreover, sustainability responsibilities are assigned to Directorates of Procurement, HR, Environment, Health & Safety.
- 102-16, 102-18, 102-22, 102-35, Material Topics
- 102-18, 102-21, 102-25, 102-28, 102-29, 102-31, 102-33, 102-35, 102-37
The CoP describes value chain implementation
- Analyze each segment of the value chain carefully, both upstream and downstream, when mapping risks, opportunities and impacts
- Communicate policies and expectations to suppliers and other relevant business partners
- Implement monitoring and assurance mechanisms (e.g. audits/screenings) for compliance within the company’s sphere of influence
- Undertake awareness-raising, training and other types of capacity building with suppliers and other business partners.
- 102-15, 102-13, 102-40, 102-42, 102-43
- G4-26, Chapter "Market"
- 102-15, 102-16, 102-12, 102-29, 102-31
- Chapter "Employment"
Robust Human Rights Management Policies & Procedures
Our Commitment
- We respect human rights within our area of influence and operate our businesses in such a way as to make us an exemplary employer.
- We aim to be the preferred employer with a respectful corporate culture and support for our employees’ well-being.
- Code of Conduct
- Corporate Health & Safety Policy
- Internal Labour Regulation
- Procurements’ Regulation
■ Integrated relevant parts of our Codes, Policy or Regulations into new supply contracts
■ Corporate Health Policy (campaign and expanded measurement)
■ Group wide awareness and training programs on Corporate Values / Human Rights / Code of Conduct
■ Relevant GRI indicators
The CoP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of human rights
- Commitment to comply with all applicable laws and respect internationally recognized human rights, wherever the company operate
- Integrated or stand-alone statement of policy, expressing commitment to respect and support human rights approved at the most senior level of the company
- Statement of policy stipulating human rights expectations of personnel, business partners and other parties directly linked to operations, products or services
- Statement of policy publicly available and communicated internally and externally to all personnel, business partners and other relevant parties
- Material Topic: "Employment", Chapters "Corporate Governance & Regulatory Compliance" & "Employment"
- 102-11, 102-12, 102-13, 102-16 102-29, 102-31
- 102-11, 102-12, 102-13, 102-16, 102-29, 102-31
- The annual edition of Sustainable Development & CSR Report
The CoP describes effective management systems too integrate the human rights principles
- Process to ensure that internationally recognized human rights are respected
- On-going due diligence process that includes an assessment of actual and potential human rights impacts
- Internal awareness-raising and training on human rights for management and employees
- Operational-level grievance mechanisms for those potentially impacted by the company’s activities
- Process and programs in place to support human rights through: core business; strategic philanthropic/social investment; public policy engagement/advocacy; partnerships and/or other forms of collective action
- 102-12, 102-16 (Chapters "Corporate Governace & Regulatory Compliance" & "Employment")
- 406-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1, 411-1, 412-3, 413-1, 414-1
- 410-1, 412-2, Material Topic: "Employment"
- 411-1, 413-1
- Material Topic: "Employment", 406-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1, 410-1, 411-1, 412-1, 412-2, 412-3, 413-1, 413-2, 414-1, 414-2
The CoP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of human rights integration
- System to monitor the effectiveness of human rights policies and implementation with quantitative and qualitative metrics, including in the supply chain
- Monitoring drawn from internal and external feedback, including affected stakeholders
- Leadership review of monitoring and improvement results
- Process to deal with incidents the company has caused or contributed to for internal and external stakeholders
- Outcomes of integration of the human rights principles
- 102-21, 102-33, 102-37, 406-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1, 410-1, 411-1, 412-2, 412-1, 412-3, 414-1
- 102-44
- 102-18, 102-21, 102-22, 102-29, 102-31, 102-33, 102-37
- 102-15, 411-1, 412-1, 413-1, 414-1, 414-25, Material Topic "Employment"
- 412-1, 414-1, Material Topic "Employment"
Robust Labour Management Policies & Procedures
Our Commitment
We respect the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the ILO, in accordance with national & European legislation.
- Code of Conduct
- Internal Labour Regulation
- Procurements’ Regulation
- Corporate Governance Code
- Embedding a common corporate culture
- Working with employee representatives UNGC & CSR networks
■ Maintained an ongoing dialogue with the concerned parties
■ Reached wage agreements in Greece
■ A competitive edge through diversity
■ Employees development
■ Vocational training
■ Code of Conduct presentation and awareness program
■ Regular dialogue with Unions
■ Group wide presentation and awareness program of the Code of Conduct (including reference to ILO core labor standards)
■ Scheduled conduct of Employee Opinion Surveys
■ Relevant GRI indicators
The CoP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of labour
- Reference to principles of relevant international labour standards (ILO Conventions) and other normative international instruments in company policies
- Reflection on the relevance of the labour principles for the company
- Written company policy to obey national labour law, respect principles of the relevant international labour standards in company operations worldwide , and engage in dialogue with representative organization of the workers (international, sectoral, national)
- Specific commitments and Human Resources policies, in line with national development priorities or decent work priorities in the country of operation
- 102-12, 102-13, 102-14, 102-15, 102-16, 102-44
- 102-44
- 102-12, 102-13, 102-16, see also Group’s Internal Labor Code
- 102-8, 102-41, 401-1, 401-2, 401-3, 402-1, 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 404-1, 404-2, 404-3, 405-1, 405-2
The CoP describes effective management systems to integrate the labour principles
- Risk and impact assessments in the area of labour
- Dialogue mechanism with trade unions to regularly discuss and review company progress in addressing labour standards
- Allocation of responsibilities and accountability within the organization
- Internal awareness-raising and training on the labour principles for management and employees
- Grievance mechanisms, communication channels and other procedures (e.g., whistleblower mechanisms) available for workers to report concerns, make suggestions or seek advice, designed and operated in agreement with the representative organization of workers
- 102-15, 102-44
- 102-41, Chapter "Corporate Governace & Regulatory Compliance" & "Employment"
- 102-16, 102-18, 102-22, 102-25, 102-29, 102-31
- 404-1, 404-2, 404-3, 405-1
- 102-21, 102-33, 102-37
The CoP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of labour principles integration
- System to track and measure performance based on standardized performance metrics
- Dialogues with the representative organization of workers to regularly review progress made and jointly identify priorities for the future
- Audits or other steps to monitor and improve the working conditions of companies in the supply chain, in line with principles of international labour standards
- Outcomes of integration of the Labour principles
- 102-18, 102-22, 102-29, 102-31, 102-41, 401-2, 402-1, 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 404-2, 404-3, 405-2
- Chapter "Employment"
- 102-15, 412-3, 414-1
- 102-18, 102-22, 102-29, 102-31, 102-41, 406-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1
Robust Environmental Management Policies & Procedures
Our Commitment
We recognize that our production, transport and storage activities have an impact on the environment.
We are constantly minimizing our business’ impact on the environment, focusing on emissions, carbon efficiency and climate protection.
■ Group-wide Environmental Policy and dedicated guidelines to improve environmental performance (ISO 14001)
■ Emissions measuring systems
■ Carbon accounting and controlling system
■ Member of relevant organizations for Sustainable Development and climate protection
■ Efficiency optimization within our fleet and buildings, tests and implementation of alternative technologies and fuels
■ Network and capacity optimization
■ Mobilization of employees with awareness campaigns, activities and rewards
■ Target to increase the percentage of employees working under ISO 14001 audited systems
■ Extension of the green product portfolio including efficient logistics solutions and carbon-neutral shipping
services with the introduction of the Group’s first self-initiated climate protection project in Lesotho
■ Average Emission Intensity Index value: 0.28 (G4-EN18)
■ relevant GRI environmental indicators
The CoP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of environmental stewardship
- Reference to relevant international conventions and other international instruments
- Reflection on the relevance of environmental stewardship for the company
- Written company policy on environmental stewardship
- Specific commitments and goals for specified years
- 102-12, 102-16, Chapter "Environment, Energy & Climate Change"
- 102-14, 102-15, 102-44
- 102-16, see also Environmental Policy
- 301-1, 301-2, 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5, 303-1, 303-2, 303-3, 304-1, 304-2, 304-3, 304-4, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5, 305-6, 305-7, 306-1, 306-2, 306-3, 306-4, 306-5
The CoP describes effective management systems to integrate the environmental principles
- Environmental risk and impact assessments
- Assessments of lifecycle impact of products, ensuring environmentally sound management policies
- Allocation of responsibilities and accountability within the organisation
- Internal awareness-raising and training on environmental stewardship for management and employees
- Grievance mechanisms, communication channels and other procedures (e.g. whistleblower mechanisms) for reporting concerns or seeking advice regarding environmental impacts
- 102-11, 416-1, Material Topics: "Energy & Climate Change", "Air Quality", "Waste & Circular Economy", "Leaks & Oil Spills"
- 416-1
- Material Topics: "Energy & Climate Change", "Air Quality", "Waste & Circular Economy", "Leaks & Oil Spills", 102-18, 102-22, 102-25, 102-29, 102-31, 102-16
- 404-1
- 102-21, 102-33, 102-37, 413-1
The CoP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for environmental stewardship
- System to track and measure performance based on standardized performance metrics
- Leadership review of monitoring and improvement results
- Process to deal with incidents
- Outcomes of integration of the environmental principles
102-18, 102-22, 102-29, 102-31
301-1, 301-2, 302-1, 302-4, 302-5, 303-1
303-3, 304-2, 304-3, 305-1, 305-2
301-3, 305-5, 305-6, 305-7, 306-5
Robust Anti-Corruption Management Policies & Procedures
Our Commitment
We do not tolerate corruption and are committed to compliance with international antibribery standards, as stated in the Global Compact and regional anti-corruption and bribery legislation.
■ Code of Conduct
■ Corporate Governance Code
■ Internal Labour Regulation
■ Procurements’ Regulation
■ Third-party compliance standards
■ Follow-up activities to intensify Anti-Corruption and anti-bribery policies.
■ Internal Auditing investigates concerns and concludes them
■ Relevant GRI indicators
■ Third-party audits review
■ Review of the existing compliance processes as part of the risk management project
The CoP describes robust commitments, strategies or policies in the area of anti-corruption
- Support by the organization’s leadership for anti-corruption
- Publicly stated formal policy of zero-tolerance of corruption
- Commitment to be in compliance with all relevant anti-corruption laws, including the implementation of procedures to know the law and monitor changes
The CoP describes effective management systems to integrate the anti-corruption principle
- Human Resources procedures supporting the anti-corruption commitment or policy, including communication to and training for all employees
- Internal checks and balances to ensure consistency with the anti-corruption commitment
- Management responsibility and accountability for implementation of the anti-corruption commitment or policy
- Internal accounting and auditing procedures related to anticorruption
- Code of Conduct, 205-1, 205-2, 205-3
- Chapter "Corporate Governance & Regulatory Compliance", 205-1, 205-3
- 102-11, 102-16, 102-22, 102-25, 102-56, Code of Conduct
- 205-3, Corporate Governance
The CoP describes effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for the integration of anti-corruption
- Leadership review of monitoring and improvement results
- Process to deal with incidents
- Public legal cases regarding corruption
- Use of independent external assurance of anti-corruption programmes
- Outcomes of integration of the anti-corruption principle
- 102-16, 102-18, 102-22, 205-1, 205-3
- 205-1, 205-2, 205-3
- 206-1, 419-1
- 205-1
- 205-1, 205-2, 205-3
Taking Action in Support of Broader UN Goals and Issues
The CoP describes core business contributions to UN goals and issues
- Align core business strategy with one or more relevant UN goals/issues
- Develop relevant products and services or design business models that contribute to UN goals/issues
- Adopt and modify operating procedures to maximize contribution to UN goals/issues
The following initiatives are embedded in the Group's business strategy & implemented in daily operations:
- Human Rights
- Children's Rights
- Gender Equality
- Health
- Education
- Humanitarian Assistance
- Employment & Decent Working Conditions
- Anti-Corruption
- Biodiversity
The CoP describes strategic social investments and philanthropy
- Pursue social investments and philanthropic contributions that tie in with the core competencies or operating context of the company as an integrated part of its sustainability strategy
- Coordinate efforts with other organizations and initiatives to amplify—and not negate or unnecessarily duplicate—the efforts of other contributors
- Take responsibility for the intentional and unintentional effects of funding and have due regard for local customs, traditions, religions, and priorities of pertinent individuals and groups
- Other established or emerging best practices
- 413-1, Chapter "Society"
- Chapters "The Group at a glance" and "Stakeholders & Material Topics"
- Deemed immaterial, taking into account the locations of the Group’s facilities
- Chapter "Society"
The CoP describes advocacy and public policy engagement
- Publicly advocate the importance of action in relation to one or more UN goals/issues
- Commit company leaders to participate in key summits, conferences, and other important public policy interactions in relation to one or more UN goals/issues
- Message by the Chairman & CEO
- Chapter "Corporate Governance & Regulatory Compliance"
The CoP describes partnerships and collective action
- Develop and implement partnership projects with public or private organizations (UN entities, government, NGOs, or other groups) on core business, social investments and/or advocacy
- Join industry peers, UN entities and/or other stakeholders in initiatives contributing to solving common challenges and dilemmas at the global and/or local levels with an emphasis on initiatives extending the company’s positive impact on its value chain
Corporate Sustainability Governance and Leadership
The CoP describes CEO commitment and leadership
- CEO publicly delivers explicit statements and demonstrates personal leadership on sustainability and commitment to the UN Global Compact
- CEO promotes initiatives to enhance sustainability of the company’s sector and leads development of industry standards
- Make sustainability criteria and UN Global Compact principles part of goals and incentive schemes for CEO and executive management team
- Message by the Chairman & CEO
- 102-35
The CoP describes Board adoption and oversight
- Board establishes, where permissible, a committee or assigns an individual board member with responsibility for corporate sustainability.
- Board (or committee), where permissible, approves formal reporting on corporate sustainability (Communication on Progress)
- 102-29, 102-31
- This report is approved and signed by the Chairman & CEO
The CoP describes stakeholder engagement
- Publicly recognize responsibility for the company’s impacts on internal and external stakeholders
- Define sustainability strategies, goals and policies in consultation with key stakeholders
- Consult stakeholders in dealing with implementation dilemmas and challenges and invite them to take active part in reviewing performance
- Establish channels to engage with employees and other stakeholders to hear their ideas and address their concerns, and protect ‘whistle-blowers’
- 102-15, Chapter "Stakeholders & Material Topics"
- 102-43, 102-44
- 102-21, 102-33, 102-37, 102-43
- 102-21, 102-33, 102-37, 102-40, 102-42
ANNEX: Business & Peace
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The COP describes policies and practices related to the company's core business operations in high-risk or conflict-affected areas |
Neither HELLENIC PETROLEUM nor its subsidiaries are operating in high-risk or conflict-affected areas. |
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The COP describes policies and practices related to the company's government relations in high-risk or conflict-affected areas |
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The COP describes local stakeholder engagement and strategic social investment activities of the company in high-risk or conflict-affected areas |