The HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group has incorporated Sustainable Development into its strategy, and all of its activities are in line with its commitment to operate as a socially responsible business.
This approach is also reflected in the overall Corporate Responsibility policy that has been applied over the last ten years.
Every effort is made to minimize environmental impact, create a safe, healthy and good work environment, protect human rights, and create conditions for growth without compromising the future of later generations.
In the context of implementing this policy, the Group:
- Uses methods that are economically, environmentally and socially responsible in responding to increased demand for covering energy needs.
- Applies procedures for saving natural resources and energy, limiting emissions and applying correct waste management methods.
- Adopts the strictest European and international specifications and the Best Available Techniques for protecting the environment.
- Places a particular emphasis on the Health and Safety of workers and applies modern-day training techniques for all personnel.
- Implements programs and best practices to support the social whole.
On the basis of the principle of Transparency and the commitment to providing on-going information to stakeholders, an annual Sustainable Development & Corporate Social Responsibility Report is prepared, in accordance with current international standards. As of 2007 the Group has endorsed and contributes to the dissemination of the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact for,
a) the protection of human rights and respect for labour rights
b) the protection of the environment and use of environment-friendly technologies
c) the elimination of discrimination
d) the fight against corruption
and also issues a Communication on Progress (COP) report.
It endorses and applies the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and complies with international guidelines about Sustainability Reporting, the Global Reporting Initiative, and the GRI Standards, including the Oil and Gas Sector Supplement. The trustworthiness of the data and information supplied is certified by a third-party independent entity and is posted on UN Global Compact website.
Lastly, in 2015 the Group endorsed the Greek Sustainability Code and complies with the 20 criteria reflecting the need to measure economic, environmental and social performance.