p. 96 and front over
“Contact” p. 86
Α) Activities, brands, products and services
Β) Sale of banned or disputed products.
“Group Activities” p. 15-17, “Product Accessibility” p. 51-53
p. 156-161
p. 30-45
B) No such cases.
8A Chimarras str., 151 25 Maroussi, Greece
p. 96 and front over
“Contact” p. 86
Number of countries where the organization operates, and names of countries where it has significant operations and/or that are relevant to the topics covered in the report
“Report’s Boundaries” p. 4, “Product Accessibility” p. 51-53
p. 36-37
The Group’s companies included in this Report and countries with significant operations are as follows:
Nature of ownership and legal form
p. 47-49
Major Shareholders (>2%) |
% of total |
(as of 31/12/2017) |
Paneuropean Oil and Industrial Holdings S.A
Greek State (HRADF) |
Investment Community |
p. 36-37
“Report’s Boundaries” p. 4, “Product Accessibility” p. 51-53
The following Table, indicatively for 3 companies, presents the sales breakdown per type of customer:
Jugopetrol |
HELPE Cyprus |
Retail (petrol stations)
39.03% |
59% |
Industrial Customers
9.52% |
14.7% |
3rd party petrol stations |
24.35% |
Shipping fuels |
Aviation fuels |
16.13% |
10.2% |
Lubricants |
Scale of the organization
p. 10-11
«Financial Review 2017» p. 10-11, 26-27
“The Group at a Glance” p. 12-13
a. Report the total number of employees by employment contract and gender.
b. Report the total number of permanent employees by employment type and region.
c. Report the total workforce by employees and supervised workers and by gender.
d. Report the total workforce by region and gender.
e. Report whether a substantial portion of the organization’s work is performed by workers who are legally recognized as self-employed, or by individuals other than employees or supervised workers, including employees and supervised employees of contractors.
f. Report any significant variations in employment numbers (such as seasonal variations in employment in the tourism or agricultural industries).
An explanation of how the data have been complied, including any assumptions made.
“Employment”- Tables depicting Employee Breakdowns, p. 34-35
Normally there are no seasonal workers, with the exception of EKO, as there are staff seasonal changes (fixed term contracts) at the airports. Usually however, there are no seasonal employees. There are no self-employed employees at the Group.
M |
F |
Indefinite |
634 |
3366 |
Fixed contract |
38 |
77 |
Full-time |
671 |
3442 |
Part-time |
0 |
1 |
1 |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
234 |
312 |
163 |
53 |
36 |
19 |
30 |
25 |
37 |
19 |
290 |
67 |
14 |
95 |
57 |
Fixed Contract |
5 |
10 |
9 |
12 |
7 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
13 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
Part-time |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
In order to meet the specific needs of the Group's companies, specific administrative, financial or technical support is provided through third-party companies.
Indicative activities - such as the following - are assigned to contract/self-employed workers:
- Ancillary and support work related to packaging
- Industrial facilities cleaning
- Utility maintenance
- Secretarial support
- Office cleaning
- Security services
- Gardening
- IT support, electrical issues etc.
Describe the organization’s supply chain
p. 33
“Responsible Procurement” p. 53-54
As an Energy Group, our supply chain consists of thousands of suppliers. These suppliers provide the products and services required for running our industrial facilities and serve our customers in a variety of operational environments. We maintain a complex influx of materials, equipment, services, transport, communications & IT and other technology support systems, and are furthermore trying to expand our interaction with local suppliers (see CSR Report: "Local Communities", p. 62). Typical partners in our supply chain include suppliers of raw materials (crude oil, chemicals), industrial equipment & materials, IT equipment & services, local media, industrial services, general goods and services, land/sea transportation services.
Crude Supply
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
Russia |
54% |
41% |
33% |
17% |
10% |
Ιran |
16% |
22% |
Ιraq |
12% |
18% |
28% |
24% |
Caspian Pipeline Consortium |
11% |
Libya |
9% |
2% |
2% |
2% |
9% |
Egypt |
9% |
10% |
4% |
Kazakhstan |
20% |
25% |
10% |
Saudi Arabia |
Other Countries |
14% |
9% |
8% |
5% |
13% |
Significant changes during the reporting period regarding the organization’s size, structure, ownership, or its supply chain
“Methodology” p. 4-5
With decision no. 51 reached on March 1, 2017 by the Governmental Council for Economic Policy (KYSOIP), the Hellenic State decided to (a) terminate the procedure for the sale of 66% of the shares of DESFA S.A. (DESFA), launched under the 29 February 2012 Submission for Expressions of Interest, (b) launch a new tender procedure for the same percentage (66%) of DESFA shares, i.e. 31% of the 65% of the shares owned by HRADF S.A. (HRADF), in combination with 35% of the shares held by HELPE S.A. (c) return the remaining 34% of DESFA shares to the Greek State, (d) authorize the Minister of Finance to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the Greek State, HELPE S.A. and the HRADF, and (e) for the Board of Directors of the HRADF to draft, decide upon and implement the tender procedure for the sale of DESFA’s shares.
In accordance with the aforementioned KYSOIP decision, the HRADF addressed Hellenic Petroleum, via correspondence ref. no. 30187 dated 29.3.2017, which called on our company to begin "negotiations regarding the conclusion of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the joint disposal of 66% of the shares of DESFA” with HRADF’S proposing that the MoU not differ from the memorandum signed between the two companies on 16.02.2012.
Article 103 of Law 4472/2017 "Government Pension Provisions and Amendment to the provisions of Law 4387/2016, Measures for the Implementation of Budgetary Targets and Reforms, Social Support Measures and Employment Reforms, Medium-term Financial Strategy Framework 2018-2021 and other provisions" foresees that by December 31, 2017, 66% of the shares owned by DEPA S.A. under the share capital of DESFA S.A. will be sold and transferred through an international tender procedure to be carried out by the HRADF with the balance transferred to the Greek State.
The sold 66% will comprise - after the transfer of the shares owned by DEPA S.A. in the share capital of DESFA S.A. to its shareholders, 35% of the shares corresponding to the participation of HELPE S.A. in the share capital of DESFA S.A. and 31% of the shares that will correspond to the participation of HRADF S.A. in the share capital of DESFA S.A.
In particular, it was provisioned that at the end of the tender, DESFA should be a Separate Natural Gas Transmission System Operator in accordance with the provisions of articles 62 and 63 of Law 4001/2011 as in force, and be certified as such in accordance with the provisions of Articles 9 and 10 of European Directive 2009/73/EC (Full Ownership Unbundled System Operator (FOU).
The Memorandum of Understanding between Hellenic Petroleum and the HRADF was signed on 26.6.2017, and approved by decision no. 1295 dated 12.6.2017 approved by the decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders dated 06.7.2017.
On 26/6/2017, the HRADF announced a call for non-binding expressions of interest. Four potential investors expressed interest, of which, on 22/9/2017, two were preselected by the Sellers (HRADF & HELPE) to participate in the next phases of the tender, namely the consortium between SNAM S.p.A., FLUXYS S.A., Enagas Internacional SLU, N.V. Nederlandse GASUNIES and the Spanish company Regasificadora del Noroeste S.A., which subsequently cooperated with the Romanian company TRANSGAS, and the European Bank for Regional Development (EBRD). These two pre-selected bidders, in response to the 10/10/18 Invitation to Bid, submitted their bids on 16/02/2018, which are under evaluation.
The refining operation stopped in January 2013. The company now operates as an importer and trader of fuels and is listed on the Macedonian Stock Exchange (MSE). Pucko Petrol v. Plasnica acquired 10.84% of OKTA's shares in January 2013, previously held by PIOM, plus an additional 0.03% of OKTA's shares in December 2013.
EKO Bulgaria
There are no significant changes, apart from working with a new local supplier in December 2013.
EKO Serbia
No major change, apart from the opening of 3 new COMO petrol stations.
Report whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organization
Certification of Group industrial facilities, storage facilities and service stations, in accordance with internationally recognized standards (first year of certification).
Certification type and first year of certification
ISO 9001
ISO 14001 |
OHSAS 18001 |
ISO 17025* |
ΕLΟΤ 1429
2013 |
2011 |
2011 |
2004 |
2011 |
2010 |
2009 |
2000 |
2013 |
2010 |
2008 |
Polypropylene industrial facility
2003 |
2013 |
2004 |
BP’s liquid fuel storage facilities at Aspropyrgos, Corfu and Heraklion |
2001 |
ΕΚΟ’s Lubricant Production Unit |
1997 |
2003 |
2003 |
EKO’s refueling stations at 18 airports
2001 |
2003 |
2003 |
EKO’s aviation fuel service stations at 18 airports |
2011 |
Group’s HQ |
2013 |
Certification of the Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production activity |
2013 |
1999 |
2013 |
2013 |
2011 |
2005 |
2005 |
2005 |
2015 |
2015 |
2015 |
2006 |
Note: * Refers to refinery laboratories |
Also see the indicator 102-15
EKO Bulgaria
In-progress approaches (such as training, competitive pricing and promotion initiatives) which ensure that our partners comply with our corporate policy and regulations confirm customer loyalty and improve sales methods. Regular fuels testing performed by independent laboratories, confirms the quality of the products. Regular weekly employee training for dealing with emergencies.
HP Cyprus
With the adoption of international standards/management systems (CYS EN ISO 9001: 2008, CYS EN ISO 14001: 2004 & OSHAS 18001: 2007, on 8/4/2005) HPC ensured for safe and professional behaviour in all its operations. Risk assessments were carried out for all major operations, facilities and petrol stations.
The harmonization of HSE with mandatory statutory requirements established by government authorities and voluntary requirements by standardization bodies and corporate requirements have obliged OKTA to provide a number of activities related to environmental protection as well as safety and health at work.
- Waste Management Programme 2016-2018 submitted to relevant Authorities
- Continuous monitoring of air emissions
- Monitoring the quality of underground waters and water management plan (in progress)
- Management of PCB from transformer oils
- Revision of risk assessment re. job positions
- Health preventive medical check-ups (periodical and systematic) according to job positions’ risk assessment
- Steady organization adaptation and education of personnel in order to attain maximum effect in HSE through monthly drills in accordance with different fire scenarios in cooperation with the Directorate for protection and rescue
- Risk assessment for natural disasters and other accidents
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis of data and possible risks of natural disasters and other accidents, prediction of further development of events and consequences
- Plan for safety and rescue based on the risk assessment for natural disasters, current, operational and technological risks, safety risks including Incident management team and respond forces
- Rulebook for safety in regards to fire and explosions
- Seveso Study
- Cleaning of sludge pools
Furthermore, HR applies the “precautionary principle” in all its areas of operation (HR planning, selection and recruitment, training & development, succession planning, evaluation, reward) to prevent any risks in its areas of operation.
As a precautionary measure, all employees performing any kind of work (including inspection) in explosive atmospheres were trained according to EN 60079 – 17 “Explosive atmospheres, Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation”.
In the area of procurement, “the precautionary principle” is one of the basic principles of operations and has been included in the formulation of the specific procurement strategy, which pays particular attention to ensuring for smooth and uninterrupted supply under the best economic conditions and always in accordance with the approved procurement manual.
List externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes or which it endorses
p. 64-65
“A few words about the Report” p. 4-5, “Corporate Governance and Regulatory Compliance” p. 24-31
See also indicator 102-11
The adoption and implementation of international standards, codes and best practices is a dynamic approach to studying potential risks. These standards, codes and practices, which are fully in line with the Group's strategic goals, are committed to implementing, diffusing and integrating them into all of our operations and policies. Indicatively, these standards and codes include:
Mandatory commitments:
- ETS (EU ETS) (Protocol of Kyoto, 1997 - in force since 2005), only to the Group’s refineries in Greece
Voluntary initiatives:
- "SustainableGreece2020’’ Initiative - Charter for Sustainable Greece Signed on 29.04.2014 (www.sustainablegreece2020. com). The initiative (which is under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Development & Competitiveness as well as the Greek Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change) was developed with the cooperation of 33 Business Associations, 120 Companies, 17 Local Authorities and 43 Organizations. It is furthermore endorsed by International Organizations such as the European Commission, the German Sustainability Council, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the EIRIS. The Group participates in the Initiative as a SUSTAINABILITY AMBASSADOR, http://www.sustainablegreece2020.com/gr/ ambassador/ellhnika-petrelaia.152.html The participation in the initiative includes the adoption of the Greek Sustainability Code, http://greekcode.sustainablegreece2020.com/ as well as the promotion of good sustainable development practices in observing Sustainability: http://observatory.sustainablegreece2020.com/
- Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards) as well as the specific Oil & Gas Sector Supplement. Adopted by the Group in 2008.
- United Nations’ Global Compact (UNGC) principles & criteria. Adopted by the Group in 2007.
List memberships of associations (such as industry associations) and national or international advocacy organizations
In the context of its operation and the implementation of its CSR strategy, the Group cooperates with its stakeholders through participating in organizations, associations, institutions, etc. The Group also funds and/or participates in the administrative bodies of these associations and organisations. See: http://sustainabilityreport2016.helpe.gr/userfiles/6ffd2fe2-e2bc-4741-906d-a48900e96f28/symmetoxes%20gr.pdf
HELPE considers its active participation in the following organizations as part of its strategy for sustainable development:
Environmental and Sustainability Organizations:
- CONCAWE (scientific section of the European Refineries Organization FuelsEurope)
- the HFE’s Council for Sustainable Development
- the HFE’s Committees on HSE
Industry Organizations:
- FuelsEurope
- Hellenic Association of Chemical Industries (participates in the BoD)
- EPSC (European Process Safety Center)
The Group has no additional financial participation in these organizations, apart from annual membership dues.
Provide a statement from the organization’s most senior decision-maker about the relevance of sustainability for the organization and the organization’s strategy for addressing sustainability
p. 7-9, 15-18
“Message from the Chairman of the BoD and Chief Executive Officer”, p. 8-11
p. 179
Provide a description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities
The Group’s long-term opportunities and risks are as follows:
p. 44-47, 160-164, 164-165, 171-173, 179
p. 15-18, 78-81
“Internal Audit and Risk Management”, p. 28
For main impacts, risks and opportunities (due to climate change): see indicator 201-2.
The Group’s companies (locally) evaluate opportunities and risks as follows:
Short-term risks:
- Instability of the economic environment
- Market risk (foreign exchange risk, product price fluctuation risk, cash flow risk and fair value risk due to changes in interest rates, credit risk, liquidity risk)
Long-term risks:
- Differentiation in the energy mix
- Technological developments and consumer behaviour
Short-term opportunities:
- Opportunities created by smaller Marketing Companies being forced to exit the market, due to particular market conditions in recent years having either interrupted or significantly reduced their activity. This will result in the growth of the larger Groups.
HP Cyprus
The new VTTV terminal at Vasiliko (on the south coast between Larnaca and Limassol) with a capacity of 550,000m3 of white products is operational. The new Petrolina terminal (local oil company – 80,000m3) is also operational for storage. Works in progress for building of new small storage tanks and truck loading facilities. These are expected to be finished before end of 2019 120,000m3 of Cyprus strategic reserves have been relocated from Larnaca to VTTV.
In addition the government is stepping up the pressure for the relocation of the LPG terminals from Larnaca. The four LPG companies with terminals at Larnaca have conducted and submitted to the government a feasibility study regarding the construction and operation of a new LPG terminal facility at Vasiliko. Furthermore, the four LPG companies have proceeded to the formation of a JV company and are waiting the approval from the Competition Committee.
HPC has taken the strategic decision to move away from the LPG JV and proceed to construct its own terminal. The same stands for the construction of a new storage facility for the other fuels.
- Further development of COMO Network.
- Introduction of Loyalty programs.
- Strengthening the brand awareness through marketing activities and enhancement of EKO premium products portfolio (EKO Racing 98, EKO Racing 100 & Diesel Avio Double Filtered).
- Optimization of petrol stations network.
- Expansion in case of lifting of trade boundaries as a result of the Cyprus political problem resolution
- The White Flag Petrol Stations in the market and the expansion of competition in building new Petrol Stations is a threat in diluting margins and ATPs.
- In case where trade barriers are lifted as a result of resolution of the political problem, there might be threats to competitiveness.
- The new VTTV terminal at Vassiliko might be one more option for product supply to the local market
- The introductions of Autogas might have unforeseeable effects on the automotive fuels margin
OKTA supplies approximately 78% of the fuel needs of the domestic market. In addition, its significant storage capacity serves as a safety mechanism for the uninterrupted supply of fuel in the markets where it operates. At the same time, it is a major exporter and a significant employer of transportation, logistics and engineering services.
OKTA’s sustainable profitability depends on its ability to remain competitive in a market where barriers to entry are low, while at the same time it manages its facilities and installations as efficiently as possible, in order to safeguard its role as a secure supplier. OKTA has the opportunity to maintain its market share by exploiting its logistics infrastructure and the competitive terms it has with its supplier. Additionally, OKTA seeks to strengthen its profitability by completing a number of transformation projects already launched, affecting its operations and its organizational structure.
OKTA’s transformation to a trading company has emphasized the importance of the commercial targets in its strategy. In that context the objectives set for 2017 were further increase of market share and secureness of the 1st position in the domestic market, coupled with preservation of margins, enhancement of competitiveness, training and development of the personnel, as well as recapturing share of independent PS networks. In addition to this profitability augmentation from the retail network and exploration of possible synergies with other EKO networks were the goals for OKTA’s retail activities.
The short term opportunities for OKTA are:
- Pipeline utilization launch and optimization of the Supply Chain
- Further rationalization of the company’s organization
- Management of Legal cases
- Strategic reserves supply and storage fee introduction
- Leverage OKTA’s Storage and Loading installations
- Creating access to retail market through organic growth (DODO->COMO, retail know how and EKO offerings)
- Focus on efficiency
- Searching for alternative sources of energy
The short term challenges for OKTA are:
- Full or partial loss of the biggest customer
- Waking up of strong competition in the wholesale market
- Re-emergence of cheap product from competitive refinery
- Oversupplied region
- Limited growth of the economy
- Long lasting political crisis
EKO Bulgaria
There have been no significant changes in the legal and economic environment that could affect the viability of the company and its stakeholders. The political environment is stable while macroeconomic indicators were correctly forecasted.
There have been no significant changes to local legislation, international standards or business rules.
Risks (short and long-term):
- Remain at existing market position due to heavy competition and RomPetrol’s takeover appetite.
- Profitability loss due to increased regional price competition.
- Profitability loss due to increased product competition (LPG).
- Operational complications that may arise with legislation H-18.
Opportunities (short and long-term):
- Expansion of PS network based on favorable outlook on consumer spending.
- Invest in quality Brand name and new loyalty scheme.
- Capitalizing on AVIO Diesel, EKO Racing and EKO Guarantee.
- Opportunities for collaborations (e.g. supermarkets) related with distribution.
- Contribution of NFR to total gross margin.
- EKO intragroup loyalty card.
- H-18 may reduce WF competition.
EKO Serbia
Short term opportunities:
- Further exploit of lubricant business
- Expand penetration of high margin products (fuel and NFR)
- Reduction of OPEX (via procurement)
- Increase of other income (services, rent, cross business)
Long term opportunities:
- New RVI implementation
- Network expansion
- Increase brand value through dynamic marketing activities
- Exploit opportunities related to new supply routes, depots for w/s business
- further development of loyalty program
Short term risks:
- % of Supply dependence on NIS
- Ability to remain competitive in w/s business
- Strong competition actions (discount)
- Increase of Capex due to network aging
Long term risks:
- Macroeconomic deterioration
- Implementing aggressive network expansion plan
EKO Serbia still has the potential to grow, increase its market share, increase profit margins in fuel sales, and become no. 3 through the expansion of the distribution network.
Short-term risks:
- The retail market is largely regulated; almost all petrol stations offer the same prices. A number of independent petrol stations have tried to offer lower prices but the main competitors do not follow their example.
Short-term opportunities:
- Our active participation in actions, an area in which our competition is lagging behind.
Long-term risks:
- Strong competition (INA, Petrol, Lukoil)
Long-term opportunities:
- Easy to strengthen our position in the northern and southern regions where we are by far the strongest competitor
- Expansion of our network in Podgorica, where we have a strong influence
- Promotion of our brand name as the high-end quality brand in the market where the price is unanimous and regulated.
Describe the organization’s values, principles, standards and norms of behaviour such as codes of conduct and codes of ethics
p. 11-12
(in its entirety)
“Vision-Strategy-Principles” p. 14, “Internal Regulatory Framework of the Group” p. 28-29
See also the indicator 102-11
The Code of Conduct was approved and notified in 2011 (in Greek and English) and was fully implemented throughout the Group as well as extended to its external partners.
The Competition Policy - as to the competition legislation - was approved by decision of the Board of Directors 1316/6 / 22.3.2018.
A list of procedures for Health, Safety, Quality and the Environment - according to international standards - and corresponding policies are available on the corporate network, intranet and internet. They are applied throughout the Group while continuous training ensures awareness and thorough application.
The Group’s values – which have been adhered to - are applied across the Group, and address all employees at all Group’s subsidiaries in Greece and abroad.
The statements, codes or policies concerning procurement activities fall under the existing Purchasing Regulations, paying special attention to cooperation with suppliers.
Α) Report the internal and external mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behavior, and matters related to organizational integrity, such as help-lines etc.
Β) Report the internal and external mechanisms for reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behaviour, and matters related to organizational integrity, such as escalation through line management, whistle-blowing mechanisms or hotlines.
Α) We are committed to being a responsible Group. This means that we conduct our activities in accordance with relevant ethical, professional and legal standards. We consider corruption, bribery and unfair competition to be unacceptable.
Sustainability related risks, such as employees, safety, the environment, ethics and supply chain management, are an integral part of Group Risk Management. For each of the risk categories, related to the Group and each company, a risk assessment takes place together with the determining potential for improvement.
Therefore the Hellenic Petroleum Group’s Code of Ethics explicitly provides that each employee must comply with the law and behave honestly, transparently and responsibly towards clients, associates, shareholders, and social partners in general. It provides the possibility for counselling on ethical and legal behaviour issues as well as providing the opportunity for employees to submit anonymous related reports to the Regulatory Compliance Office.
Since June 2017, Hellenic Petroleum has been a member of the Business Integrity Forum of the Hellenic Office of the INTERNATIONAL TRANSPARENCY organization, where, in cooperation with other major companies operating in Greece, exchanges knowledge and best practices for dealing with corruption.
B) In order to further ensure that our business integrity policy is properly designed and implemented, the Regulatory Compliance Office operates under the Code of Conduct. Employees may submit any questions about the integrity or references to suspected violations to the Regulatory Compliance Office in full confidentiality.
The Code of Conduct has been translated into all the languages of the countries where the Group operates and is also applied there.
We have implemented a mechanism for the protection of workers' rights, in accordance with the Law.
We have developed measures and procedures to protect against harassment in the workplace. An independent internal audit service is also operational.
The Group's Code of Conduct was implemented in 2012. The Code manages all of these aspects and has been communicated to all employees, suppliers and customers, and also constitutes part of all of our contracts.
EKO Bulgaria
The reporting mechanisms and associated procedures are described in the Code of Conduct. The obligation to comply with the Code of Conduct is included in the agreement with each partner. Concerns are treated confidentially. The Company does not follow a retaliation policy. No concerns have been raised.
EKO Serbia
The Group’s Code of Conduct is in place and has been outsourced to an external partner (email, free 24/7 helpline). Depending on the type of complaint (concern), appropriate staff investigate the matter at hand and prepares the final response. According to the law all complaints that are recorded are to be resolved within 15 days.
In 2017, the internal evaluation of the first four years of the Code of Conduct and the functioning of the Regulatory Compliance Service (2013-2016) was completed, while the external evaluation of the Code is expected to be completed in 2018. Any amendments to the Code will be submitted to Management and subsequently to the Board, which will use the above-mentioned four-year experience as well as legislative changes that have taken place in the meantime.
At the meeting on 22/3/2018, the Company’s BoD approved the Group’s Competition Policy and Compliance Program.
At the initiative of the Directorate-General for Legal Services, the process of adapting to the European General Personal Data Protection Regulation (GDPR - Regulation (EU) 679/2016), was implemented on 25/5/2018. A detailed Gap Analysis was also conducted which was completed on 16/11/2017, while a Civil Data Protection Policy project was presented at the Executive Committee meeting on 13/3/2018. It is expected that this Policy draft will be submitted for approval to the Board of Directors by April 2018.
According to Chapter 6 of the Code of Conduct, a conflict of interest arises when personal relationships, external activities or interests in other businesses affect or could affect any employee's decisions in the performance of his/her duties. When these situations occur they are a matter of fact and must be treated on a case-by-case basis.
This type of conflict of interests that arises between a person or member of an employee’s family and the interests of the Group is often not easily understood, as there are cases that create confusion and doubt. During 2018, a draft concerning the Group’s Policy concerning the Avoidance of Conflicts of Interests will be prepared in compliance with the above section of the Code.
Report the governance structure of the organization, including BoD committees
p. 64-77
p. 168-171, 174-179
NOTE: For the BoD and the Committees, appropriate reporting is that contained in Section D.7 "Composition and Operation of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Bodies and Company Committees" in the Annual Report.
In addition to the BoD committees, the following have also been established and are operational:
- The Group Executive Committee which is advisory and executive insofar as it is given specific executive powers by the Board of Directors.
- Advisory and coordinating committees comprised of high-level executives from the company and the Group that are created with the purpose of assisting executive functions, the main ones being the following:
I. Committee for Electricity, Natural Gas and RES Activities
ΙΙ. Industrial Activities Committee
III. Retail Committee
ΙV. Group Credit Committee
V. Investment Evaluation Committee
Report the process for delegating authority for economic, environmental and social topics from the highest governance body to senior executives and other employees
The Company proceeded with allocating administrative responsibilities between the Executive Chairman, the CEO and Deputy CEO as follows:
The Chairman, in addition to responsibilities regarding convening, chairing, conducting meetings, observing meetings’ minutes and signing the relevant decisions, and the general functioning of the BoD provided for by the Company's Articles of Association and the law, is also responsible for:
- The Group’s Legal Services Division
- The Group's Corporate Relations General Directorate
The Group's Internal Audit Directorate reports to the Chairman.
The CEO is the legal representative of the Company and is responsible for:
- The Group's Oil Supply, Refining and Sales General Directorate
- The Group’s Human Resources & Administrative Services General Division
- The Department for Hygiene, Safety, Environment and Sustainable Development
- International Retail Division
The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer of ASPROFOS S.A. report to the CEO.
The Deputy CEO replaces the CEO in cases of absence or impediment and is responsible for:
- The Group's Financial Services General Directorate which includes the Financial Directorates of the Group's companies
- The Group’s Strategic Planning and Joint Ventures General Directorate
- The Group’s Procurement Directorate
The Group Executive Committee is advisory, recommendatory and executive, to the extent that it is given specific executive powers by the Board of Directors. It processes and defines strategic issues in all of the Group's business areas and the Group’s subsidiaries domestically and abroad.
Senior executive meetings define sustainable development issues and agree on the hierarchy of objectives, subsequent activities and reporting of results. Sustainability represents a percentage of executives and employees’ daily activities; for example, it is used as a parameter in regular working discussions and performance assessments, thereby making its implementation a shared responsibility across all levels of the Group's hierarchy.
The submission of sustainable development issues to the Board of Directors takes place when the relevant memorandum drafted by the relevant General Division Manager is submitted to the Chairman of the Board, the CEO or Deputy CEO, as is deemed appropriate, so that such issues can be proposed accordingly to the Board of Directors. If the matter falls within the competence of one of the Committees, it is examined by the Committees, which make the relevant suggestion to the Board of Directors.
Report whether the organization has appointed an executive-level position or positions with responsibility for economic, environmental and social topics, and whether post holders report directly to the highest governance body.
The Group CSR Director and Corporate HSEQ Director have responsibilities and responsibilities in regards to planning, recommendations and implementation.
The CFO Director is also Deputy Executive Officer (Executive Board Member).
The Corporate HSEQ Director reports to the Group’s CEO.
The Group's Corporate Relations Division reports to the Chairman of BoD.
Report processes for consultation between stakeholders and the highest governance body on economic, environmental and social topics. If consultation is delegated, describe to whom and any feedback processes to the highest governance body
HELPE annually compiles and publishes - in print and electronic formats - reports and presentations covering all of the company's activities and performance in these areas. This information and all company editions are posted on the corporate website www.helpe.gr/ Corporate Publications.
There are many mechanisms that facilitate two-way communication between management and shareholders – employees, and include the General Assembly, employee representatives and representatives of minority shareholders on the Board, the investors & shareholders information office and employee unions.
The Committees who deal with Personnel Issues (Hiring Committee, Health & Safety and Industrial Affairs Committee) are defined in chapter 1 of the Internal Labour Code. Occupational Health and Safety (E.Y.A.E.) is also established at each facility.
All these committees contribute to the exchange of views between employees and management.
“Stakeholders” και “Employee Suggestion Box” p. 19
Other Actions:
- Quarterly group executive meetings (from department head level and above) for the presentation, analysis and discussion of the Group’s financial and operating results.
- Roadshows/participation in conferences, quarterly meetings with analysts, meetings with institutional investors, refinery field trips - financial analysts & institutional investors, ensuring for 2-way communication with the investment community.
- Information meetings - discussions with engineers from the industrial plants.
- Regular meetings with elected union representatives.
Report the composition of the highest governance body and its committees
p. 64-77
p. 174-179
Based on Hellenic Petroleum’s shareholder composition, specific rules concerning the appointment and replacement of members of the Board of Directors have been developed, which are explicitly mentioned in the Company's Articles of Association. The Greek State appoints seven (7) members out of a total of thirteen (13) BoD members if it holds, directly or indirectly, at least 35% of the shares through the HRADF. Paneuropean Oil and Industrial Holdings S.A. and its affiliated companies appoint two (2) members of the BoD provided that they hold at least 16.654% of the total of the Company's voting shares. Two (2) members of the Board of Directors are comprised of employee representatives elected by employees of the Company and two (2) members represent the minority shareholders, elected by the Extraordinary General Meeting of the remaining minority shareholders (asides from the Greek State and Paneuropean Oil and Industrial Holdings S.A. or its affiliates).
The following table shows the allocations pertaining to the 67 members of the BoDs spread across the Group’s companies included in this Report:
67 BoD members from 11 companies |
Age Group |
Number of people |
% |
0 |
30-50 |
39% |
>50 |
Number of people |
% |
Female |
6% |
Male |
94% |
% of women holding senior management positions: about 10%.
Report whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive officer
The Chairman of the BoD is also an executive member.
p. 66
In addition, the Chairman’s role, functions and related responsibilities are outlined in the Bylaws of the Company, which are approved by the Board, and are in full coherency with the applicable provisions of company law 2190/1920, as amended, and applicable.
Report the nomination and selection processes for the highest governance body and its committees, and the criteria used for nominating and selecting highest governance body members
p. 157, 163-164
There is currently no institutionalized nomination procedure for the members of the Board of Directors elected by the Special Shareholders' Meeting of minority shareholders.
The composition of the BoD committees is based on the competencies, qualifications and experience of the BoD members involved in each committee.
The members of the Audit Committee are elected by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders further to the proposal made by the Remuneration and Succession Planning Committee to the Chairman of the BoD, they are all non-executive members and the majority of them are independent members. Members of the Audit Committee should have administrative experience and sufficient knowledge in the field of energy and at least one member of the Commission should have sufficient accounting and/or audit experience. The Chairman of the Committee is appointed by its members or elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders, and if he or she is a member of the Board of Directors, he or she should be an independent non-executive member and should have the necessary knowledge and experience to supervise audit procedures and issues of concern to the Committee.
Report processes for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided and managed. Procedures implemented to avoid/manage potential conflicts of interest.
(Supplier list and relationship with executives, corporate governance statement, code of conduct ...)
p. 11
“Corporate Governance and Regulatory Compliance” p. 24-31
p. 64-65
p. 170-171
The current ratio between executive and non-executive members of the Board of Directors, which is 4:9, ensures that any situations involving "conflicting interests" are avoided.
The Board of Directors has endorsed the principles and best practice provisions of the “HGC’s Code of Corporate Governance”, (http://www.sev.org.gr/Uploads/pdf/kodikas_etairikis_diakivernisis_GR_OCT2013.pdf).
The Code of Conduct also includes a specific provision preventing conflicts of interest, with an indicative list of cases constituting such a conflict while there is also a reporting obligation to the Compliance Office for financial transactions conducted by members’ spouses or second degree relatives.
Additional indicative "tools" used to avoid/manage a potential conflict of interest include the list of approved suppliers and their relationship with executives, as well as the corporate governance statement.
Report the highest governance body’s and senior executives’ roles in the development, approval, and updating of the organization’s purpose, value or mission statements, strategies, policies, and goals related to economic, environmental and social impacts
The Group aspires to be open and transparent as to how it operates in order to win and maintain the trust of its customers, employees, shareholders and other important social partners. Reporting and the governance structure are an integral part of this commitment.
HELPE’s corporate responsibility performance is dependent on all employees—from Chairman and CEO to the staff in each business unit, subsidiary, industrial facility and research laboratory. All of us at HELPE are aware of our corporate responsibilities through the Group’s Code of Conduct, but we also recognize that a central coordinating function is necessary in order to ensure that we have a comprehensive approach to corporate responsibility. The GCAD coordinates the development, implementation and communication of our global corporate responsibility approach and, with the strategic guidance of the Executive Committee, is responsible for reporting on the Group’s corporate responsibility performance. To support the Group’s strategy, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for sustainable development have been developed and implemented.
The Executive Committee defines the Group’s Sustainability Policy. The GCAD & GHSESD recommend the approval of sustainable development issues and are responsible for their implementation. The definition of sustainability issues, prioritisation of objectives, monitoring of activities and reporting results are discussed in senior management meetings.
In addition to the Executive Committee, other Board Committees oversee issues related to corporate responsibility, such as audit and compliance, fees, remuneration etc. (http://www.helpe.gr/the-group/group-management/).
Report the measures taken to develop and enhance the highest governance body’s collective knowledge of economic, environmental and social topics
p. 72-77
p. 194-197
The risk management system (see indicator 102-15) provides a platform for sharing knowledge and expertise in a structured manner, making risk management a key enabler in achieving the strategic objectives.
The Group's Steering Committee formulates the Group's Sustainable Development Policy. The CSR & HSEQ Directorates recommend sustainable development issues for endorsement and are furthermore responsible for their implementation. Senior management meetings define sustainability issues and prioritize objectives, while making sure that control and reporting activities are complied with.
Report the processes for evaluation of the highest governance body’s performance with respect to governance of economic, environmental and social topics
p. 169
“Corporate Governance Performance” p. 29
See Indicators 102-24, 102-35
In addition to the Board's assessment, through the Annual General Shareholders Meeting, the Board of Directors regularly monitors and evaluates its effectiveness in the performance of its duties as well as that of the committees that it has established.
To date, this assessment is collective of the Board of Directors as a Company body and the committees that the Board has set up in the previous period. The Chairman presides over this evaluation, and the results are discussed at a Board meeting; the Chairman is responsible for taking measures to address the weaknesses resulting from the evaluation. In addition to the above, the introduction of a system whereby the BoD and each member thereof are separately evaluated by an external expert-consultant is being considered.
Report the highest governance body’s role in the identification and management of economic, environmental and social impacts, risks, and opportunities. Include the highest governance body’s role in the implementation of due diligence processes
The Board’s Audit Committee possesses the following responsibilities:
- It monitors the process and the implementation of the statutory audit of the Company's individual and consolidated financial statements.
- It monitors, reviews and evaluates the process of preparing financial information, i.e. the mechanisms and systems, flow and dissemination of financial information produced by the Company's organizational units involved in the preparation of financial information.
- It monitors, examines and evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of the Company's overall policies, procedures and safeguards regarding both the internal audit system and risk assessment and management in relation to financial reporting.
- With regards to the internal audit function, the Audit Committee monitors and insures the proper functioning of the Group Internal Audit Directorate and evaluates its work, adequacy and effectiveness, without, however, affecting its independence. It also reviews internal audit disclosures and the Company's main risks and uncertainties with respect to financial reporting.
- It reviews and monitors the independence of statutory auditors or audit firms and is responsible for the selection process of statutory auditors or audit firms and proposes statutory auditors or audit firms to be appointed by resolution of the General Meeting.
The Financial and Financial Planning Committee examines, in cooperation with the Group Financial Directorate General, issues that mainly concern:
- the individual and consolidated financial statements and related appendices, as well as the quarterly and half-yearly statements, when deemed necessary, before their submission to the Board
- insurance coverage
- the Company’s financial planning
- any other matter considered as important to the Company and which affect its financial performance and growth
The Corporate Crisis Management Plan has been completed, is now in place and is being enforced.
The Board of Directors approves the 3-month, 6-month, 9-month and annual financial statements for Hellenic Petroleum and the Group as well as Group announcements and other publications. The Group's Executive Committee monitors, inter alia, the financial results of the Group on a monthly and quarterly basis, budget execution and financial management.
Report the highest governance body’s role in reviewing the effectiveness of the organization’s risk management processes for economic, environmental and social topics
p. 67
p. 156-190
Report the frequency of the highest governance body’s review of economic, environmental and social impacts, risks, and opportunities
The Board of Directors approves the 3-month, 6-month, 9-month and annual financial statements for Hellenic Petroleum and the Group as well as Group announcements and other publications. The Group's Executive Committee monitors, inter alia, the financial results of the Group on a monthly and quarterly basis, budget execution and financial management.
The GHSED submits a report on the environment, health and safety issues to the BoD at least twice a year.
Report the highest committee or position that formally reviews and approves the organization’s sustainability report and ensures that all material Aspects are covered
The Chairman of the BoD and the CEO approve and sign this Sustainable Development and CSR Report.
The Group CSR Director is authorized to ensure that all material aspects are presented with clarity and objectivity.
Report the process for communicating critical concerns to the highest governance body
The Executive Committee defines the Group’s Sustainability Policy. The GCAD & GHSED recommend the approval of sustainable development issues and are responsible for their implementation.
The GCAD works with business units and functional areas to integrate HELPE’s corporate responsibility principles into business policies, strategies and practices, and brings the voice of external stakeholders into decision-making processes.
The GCAD is accountable for producing an annual corporate responsibility report. To contact members of the Division, please see
p. 86.
The Corporate Responsibility Report Working Group
Representatives from business units and functional areas make up the members of the Corporate Responsibility Report Working Group, whose function is to promote the further integration of corporate responsibility into the business. Individual members have been chosen to be active advocates for corporate responsibility within their respective areas. In addition, the members of the working group, who are a diverse selection of employees from all divisions of the company, serve as content experts in their respective areas and work with the GCAD to help set goals and develop metrics that support and measure the Group’s overall corporate responsibility strategy and objectives.
Meetings with senior management are used to define sustainability issues and reach agreement on prioritising objectives, monitoring activities and reporting results.
The Divisions, as appropriate, inform the CEO or Chairman of the Board on critical issues, on a case by case basis, as soon as they are identified. The CEO then makes recommendations to the BoD. Moreover, critical issues are communicated through the Board's deliberations with social partners.
Also see Indicator 102-21.
Report the nature and total number of critical concerns that were communicated to the highest governance body and the mechanism(s) used to address and resolve them
The critical issues presented to the Board refer to the material aspects that were recorded and evaluated through the “Materiality Assessment 2017” (see
p. 20-23).
Report the remuneration policies for the highest governance body and senior executives
p. 170
The Board of Directors’ Remuneration and Succession Planning Committee makes recommendations - to the Board of Directors – regarding the remuneration, benefits and financial incentive policy for the executive members of the Board of Directors (HELPE and Group level), in line with market conditions and with the aim of attracting and keeping appropriate executives.
The Annual Ordinary General Meeting approves the total remuneration for members of the Board of Directors (executive and non-executive) for their participation on the Board as well as to the Board’s Committees after being proposed to the Board of Directors with the agreement of the Board’s Remuneration and Planning Committee.
For senior level executives, the assessment is conducted annually based on KPIs which links the company’s goals and performance to the executives’ goals on issues such as sustainable development (safety, environment, etc) with a 20% weighting factor.
A percentage of executives’ remuneration also concerns health, safety and environmental issues (depending on the area of employment).
Regarding the members of Diaxon's Board of Directors (including the CEO), seven of the 5 members are HELPE executives, and are remunerated based on HELPE Group’s relevant policy.
The Chairman of the BoD is not a senior executive of HELPE and is remunerated on the basis of the relative contract between the company and the Chairman. One BoD member does not work at HELPE and is remunerated in the same way as the members of the Board working at HELPE.
With regard to Diaxon’s executives:
HELPE BoD members (CEO included) are senior management staff of HELPE and their remuneration is in accordance with the relevant policy of the Group.
The remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors is determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Senior executives are paid a fixed monthly salary and their performance is rated based on KPIs.
HP Cyprus
A policy is in place covering the remuneration of the senior executives concerning both fixed and variable pay. Variable pay is based on yearly objectives. Τhe executives’ individual goals include financial and operational objectives as well as goals regarding health, safety and improvement/training of personnel.
EKO Bulgaria
The remuneration policy includes both fixed and variable remuneration which is performance-based, and termination payments.
EKO Serbia
BoD members receive the compensation prescribed by the General Assembly. Senior Executives are evaluated through the Performance Management System. In the Performance Contracts and Performance Appraisals of the Company Directors, the company’s performance comprises 100% of the total result of their performance contract.
Performance-based pay. BoD members are entitled to a predefined yearly remuneration if the Company has reported a profit in the previous year.
Report the process for determining remuneration. Report whether remuneration consultants are involved in determining remuneration and whether they are independent of management. Report any other relationships which the remuneration consultants have with the organization
p. 170
The remuneration policy is based on the best practices in the domestic labour market and the most important factors that affect executives’ competitiveness and motivation. The remuneration policy is continuously being updated so as to take into account new trends and conditions prevailing in the economy and society.
HP Cyprus
- Personnel are covered by a collective agreement – salary scales (collective agreement ) as per position
- Executives are remunerated according to market salary surveys
EKO Serbia
Salaries are determined via MERCER, and are compared to industry averages. Furthermore, when determining remuneration, several additional factors are taken into account such as: the position of the employee, their previous performance, experience, skills, exceptional merits (successful projects, etc.)
No consultants are involved in the remuneration process of Asprofos’ employees. Salaries are determined on the basis of a collective bargaining agreement.
EKO Bulgaria
The company strictly adheres to the Bulgarian law, follows the Group policies and does not use external consultants.
General Assembly determines the amount of remuneration only for BoD members. Consultants are not involved in determining remuneration.
Report how stakeholders’ views are sought and taken into account regarding remuneration, including the results of votes on remuneration policies and proposals, if applicable
The remuneration of senior management staff does not take stakeholders’ views into account. For other employees, the terms of remuneration and employment are defined through Business Collective Labour Agreements, signed jointly by the Company and the Employees' Association through collective bargaining.
Report the ratio of the annual total compensation for the organization’s highest-paid individual in each country of significant operations to the median annual total compensation for all employees (excluding the highest-paid individual) in the same country
Countries where there is significant activity are presented:
p. 4 (“Report’s Boundaries”).
5.56 |
4.00 |
2.16 |
1.83 |
2.88 |
5.24 |
2.32 |
5.20 |
3.06 |
Report the ratio of percentage increase in annual total compensation for the organization’s highest-paid individual in each country of significant operations to the median percentage increase in annual total compensation for all employees (excluding the highest-paid individual) in the same country
Countries where there is significant activity are presented:
p. 4 (“Report’s Boundaries”).
0 |
4.00 |
0 |
0.55 |
1.50 |
3.32 |
0 |
0 |
1.05 |
Provide a list of engaged stakeholder groups
“Stakeholders” p. 19
Presents the social partners participating in the 2017 Materiality Assessment Analysis, and interfacing approaches with stakeholder groups.
Report the percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements
“Human Rights-Equal Opportunities Policy” p. 34
Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements:
% |
91% |
80% |
100% |
0% |
0% |
45% |
92% |
97% |
95% |
Report the basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage
“Stakeholders” p. 19
Α) Report the organization’s approach to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group, and an indication of whether any of the engagement was undertaken specifically as part of the report preparation process.
Β) Results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction.
“Stakeholders” p. 19
These approaches are consistently integrated into the Group’s strategy for sustainable development.
Moreover indicative approaches initiated by the Group’s companies include:
With suppliers: Regular communication through personal contacts and discussions are part of the Procurement Division’s duties aimed at enhancing cooperation through constructive dialogue and exchanging information and experience.
With customers/petrol stations owners: Scheduled communication conducted by sales consultants at least once a month, which enable identifying and resolving possible issues, thereby maintaining good cooperation. On an annual basis, station owners are rewarded especially in areas concerning image, safety, products promotion etc.
With employees: Employees are updated on a daily basis with business news related to the activities of both the company and Group via ΟΚΤΑ’s web page (employees are mainly communicated with via electronic communication). Also, the most important news & announcements are posted on bulletin boards in all company buildings
- There are periodic meetings with employees’ representatives
- Periodic meetings with relevant authorities (stock exchange etc.)
- Open and transparent communication with media, publishing regular press releases, interviews and PR articles on internet portals, business magazines, daily newspapers, etc.
- Online surveys are conducted in order to understand the public’s opinion about OKTA
- Written communication to all employees takes place through emails along with posting on notice boards
- As per purchasing procedures, every year all suppliers/vendors are re-evaluated
Customers’ communication takes place through qualitative and quantitative surveys (such as Brand Vitality Tracking, loyalty driving assessment).
- Quarterly reporting to the Montenegrin Stock exchange
- Engagement with customers through Loyalty Program
Market surveys (conducted by RASS Consultancy in 2016), which generally focus on drivers and more specifically on EKO station visitors
For internal stakeholders, meetings of the Board and meetings of trade unions
- Press conferences
- Direct contact with media answering questions about fuels, products and services
- Organization of discussions with various focus groups
- Events organization
- Online, on site and 24/7 customer service helpline
- ATL, BTL and other promotion activities
- Direct communication with loyalty club members through newsletters, e-mails and SMS
“Round-the-clock 24-hour service” p. 54-55
HP Cyprus
- Mystery Shopper Survey (all HPC and 30% of the competition’s petrol stations were tested 12 times a year): The total score was 77.3% for HPC and 62.8% for the competition (courtesy, service and appearance).
- The main results from the Brand Vitality Tracking survey (an annual survey, 800 interviews, percentages on age, gender, area, representative driver populations in Cyprus, regarding opinions, information and use, purchasing criteria and brand, and habits in terms of car use & fuel purchase) were:
- The indicator “Top Of Mind” increased score from 42% for 2016 to 45%.
- HPC has gained in main choice rate (37% vs 34%), that drives the increase of Loyalty (23% vs 20%).
EKO Bulgaria
Mystery Motorist Research: Customer satisfaction 95.5% (courtesy, service and appearance). The main results of the 5th Brand Vitality Tracking survey conducted in 2017 were:
- Indicator "Top of mind": 2 points increase
- Indicator "Main choice": 3 points increase
From 2016 to 2017, there was an improvement in both surveys: Mystery Motorist Research and Tracking Vitality Brand. Total Brand Awareness stands at 99%.
Nielsen annual survey organized by IMA that identifies the “Views & Attitudes”, “Awareness & Usage”, “Purchase Criteria & Brand Evaluation” and “Habits on car usage & Fuel purchases”. In 2017 OKTA has gained ground in terms of total awareness by 3%. Among consumers the brand is mainly identified and selected because of the following aspects: high fuel quality, reliable company and value for money offerings. OKTA users evaluate the brand for its trustworthiness and CSR activities.
EKO Serbia
Customer satisfaction is key to improving brand awareness. With the aim of continuously improving it, EKO organizes monthly Mystery Motorist inspections with very strict for customer service, politeness and appearance.
RASS opinion survey results (sample from over 1,000 people irrespective of age, gender and occupation):
- EKO Serbia was recognized as one of the best brands in the market with the second lowest rejection rate.
- Taking all the criteria into account, EKO is the most recommended network in Serbia ("Main choice": 24%).
- The main products, which are mostly recognized, are our diversified fuels, such as Diesel Avio.
- The main services identified: SMILE card and service at the petrol stations. The Smile club has 450,000 registered members.
- A number of customers believe that we have chosen good locations, especially in Belgrade and the central area. The southern and northern parts of the country are recognized as areas where more petrol stations are needed.
Report key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organization has responded to those key topics and concerns, including through its reporting. Report the stakeholder groups that raised each of the key topics and concerns
The key topics that stakeholders raised are reflected in the material issues we have chosen to report this year, (see also indicator 102-47).
“Stakeholders & Material Topics” p. 18-23
Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management– worker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and safety programs
All staff (100%) are represented. The committees participate in regular meetings with management and make recommendations on improvements in the workplace with regards to Health and Safety.
“Health & Safety” p. 38-40
Type of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number of work related fatalities, by region and by gender
Injuries breakdown, by gender, are recorded at all facilities. The safety indicators, by gender, for the AIC, EIC & TIC complexes and the Group’s subsidiaries are presented in the two following tables. Definitions of the indicators can be found in the CSR Report’s Glossary:
Men/ Women |
Fatalities (own staff)
0 |
0 |
0 |
Fatalities (contractors)
0 |
0 |
0 |
LWIF (own staff)
7.52/0 |
10.51/1.05 |
3.72/0 |
LWIF (contractors)
0.88/0 |
2.37/0 |
AIF (own staff)*
8.28/0 |
11.56/1.05 |
4.96/0 |
AIF (contractors)*
3.23/0 |
5.27/0 |
7.12/0 |
LWIS (own staff)**
37.3/0 |
21.3/9 |
17.33/0 |
LWIS (contractors)**
114/0 |
10/0 |
ODR (own staff)
0 |
0 |
0 |
Absentee rate (own staff)
2.75/7.92 |
1.77/0.17 |
1.83/3.86 |
*IR = AIF x 10-6
Fatalities (own staff)
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Fatalities (contractors)
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
LWIF (own staff)
0 |
2.17/2.17 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
8.62/0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
LWIF (contractors)
7.71/7.71 |
2.08/0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0.51/0 |
0 |
AIF (own staff)
0 |
2.17/2.17 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
8.62/0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
AIF (contractors)
11.56/7.71 |
3.47/0 |
15.09/0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0.51/0 |
0 |
LWIS (own staff)
0 |
32/5 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
55/0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
LWIS (contractors)
25/4.5 |
6.67/0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
25/0 |
0 |
ODR (own staff)
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
ODR (contractors)
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Absentee rate (own staff)
Ν.Α. |
1.08/4.23 |
2.46/0.17 |
0.01/0.01 |
- |
10.40/10.75 |
0.17/0.22 |
0.85/0.68 |
0.08/0.05 |
- The definition of the indicators is in accordance with CONCAWE’s definitions and OSHA’s “Recordkeeping guidelines”.
- The Absenteeism rate (AR) is monitored at specific facilities and only for HELPE’s personnel.
- There are no records for occupational diseases.
As far as lost work days incidents (LWI) the days of absence are calendar days. The first day of absence is deemed as the day after the accident.
In 2017, accidents were classified again according to the definitions of CONCAWE (LWI, RWI, MTC, PSE). According to CONCAWE, LWIs in 2017 were further analyzed in the following categories:
No. of LWIs |
28 |
14 |
Road accidents
Road accidents |
0 |
Height falls |
Falls from height
0 |
Staff hit by falling objects
2 |
Slips/trips (same height/level)
25 |
Explosion or burns
1 |
Exposure electrical
1 |
Confined space
Confined space |
0 |
Other type of accident
Assault or violent act
0 |
Water related, drowning
0 |
Cut, puncture, scrape
1 |
Struck by
4 |
Exposure, noise, chemical, biological, vibrations
3 |
Caught in, under or between
0 |
Overexertion, strain
2 |
Pressure release
2 |
Workers with high incidence or high risk of diseases related to their occupation
There are no workers who are involved in occupational activities who have high incidence or high risk of any disease related to their occupation.
In cases of serious disease or loss of a family member, the company provides support from a psychologist or social worker.
At the facilities’ infirmaries, the physicians and other external experts train the shift working employees on First Aid provision, handling of respirators (recovery from major accidents), means of rescue from confined workplaces, etc.
The Group’s companies inform their employees in case of any diseases or whenever a seasonal viral outbreak is observed (via emails, bulletin boards, announcements on notice boards, etc).
Report whether formal agreements (either local or global) with trade unions cover health and safety
See also Certification Index (indicator 102-11), OHSAS 18001/ΕΛΟΤ 1801 certification.
Health and Safety issues, agreed in collective agreements with employees’ unions, refer to the Internal Labour Regulations, which is accessible on the corporate intranet.
An agreement is signed among the Group’s companies and the relevant employee unions concerning safety personnel in the case of a strike.
- Internal Protection and Prevention Service (ESYPP) operates under PD95/1999; aiming at employees’ occupational health monitoring and taking protective measures to avoid accidents.
- Occupational Health and Safety Committee in each facility, consisting of elected employee representatives, in accordance with Law 3850/2010, representing all employees. Any employee (100%) may participate in the elections for EYAE at the facility where he/she is working. The committees participate in periodic meetings with the facility management making suggestions for Health and Safety improvements in their workplace. Minutes of the meetings are published, including the progress of implementation of the agreed ones. The dates of the meetings are included in the annual report of the ESYPP to the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Social Solidarity.
Relevant reports on Health and Safety at work are:
- HELPE’s Internal Regulation (Articles 8, 24, 40, 45)
- EKO’s Internal Regulation (Articles 9, 12, 23, 28) and
- Group’s Code of Conduct (chapter 7.1).
Outsourced Protection & Prevention Services (ΕXYPP): Where appropriate (e.g. during periods of general maintenance), an additional properly qualified external partner is mobilised in order to monitor occupational H & S activities. Relevant indicators are monitored and the relevant labour legislation is applied.
Health and Safety issues are covered 100% by local agreements or regulations or official procedures, the Health and Safety employees’ commission, with the participation of a Safety Technician and Occupational Physician, at periodic H & S meetings with colleagues at other Group’s facilities, also as part of ESYPP activities.
There are also formal agreements in place covering issues such as the:
- Provision and use of personal protection equipment
- Participation of employee representatives in inspections
- Education and information on Health & Safety
- Submission of complaints
- Right to refuse performing dangerous work
There are two safety committees in HP Cyprus, their constitution and their role is governed by legislation. Every three years the members are elected by the staff. Members of the two security committees (one for Nicosia and one for Larnaca) represent workers on all health and safety issues.
In OKTA, local agreements cover issues such as: Personal protective equipment; Participation of employee representatives in health and safety inspections, audits, and accident investigations; Training and education; Right to refuse unsafe work; Periodic inspections.
Direct economic value generated and distributed
p. 58
“Value Creation” p. 13
In 2017, the Group’s turnover was €7,995 million (2016: €6,613 million) and the social product amounted to €1.7bn (2016: €1.4bn) distributed as follows:
- €224 mil. to staff (salaries and social benefits)
- €55 mil directly to the Greek State through direct taxes and insurance contributions, as well as €1.3 bn of indirect taxes (excise duties, VAT) collected and delivered to the Greek State
- €4.9 mil. to society through Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives
Employees’ remuneration and benefits:
Group payroll € 193,752,585
Payroll taxes € 40,471,309
Insurance contribution € 45,134,628
Employees’ insurance plan € 4,941,819
Employees’ pension plan € 7,012,745
Staff commuting € 5,028,043
Food provisions (on-site) € 5,456,102
School allowance € 291,621
Employees’ university studies allowance € 184,945
Support to employees’ family members with special needs € 85,599
Wedding/birth/death allowance € 112,687
Crèche allowance € 462,544
Employees’ children camping € 251,632
Awards to top students € 293,407
Vouchers/gifts for Easter & Christmas € 2,237,333
Company cars € 2,029,381
Other benefits € 2,039,102
100,755.83€ |
111,296.31€ |
1,013,342.77€ |
566,626€ |
326,000€ |
120,000€ |
830,000€ |
50,047€ |
682,597€ |
198,403€ |
1,305,283€ |
313,212€ |
1,323,647€ |
210,678€ |
3,376,906€ |
1,030,725€ |
392,834€ |
457,939€ |
4,386,351€ |
661,554€ |
Coverage of the organization’s defined benefit plan obligations
The Group does not use a defined benefit plan but a defined contribution plan. The company’s obligations are covered by the company’s general resources. For total expenses see indicator 201-1.
Employees' retirement costs are borne solely by their insurance funds, as appropriate. Pension and medical insurance plans cover the following proportion of employees:
Company |
Company’s pension plan |
Company’s medical insurance plan |
100% |
89.88% |
96.15% |
93.81% |
100% |
68.15% |
100% |
82.14% |
96.43% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
100% |
0% |
100% |
0% |
0% |
The employees participate in meeting the cost, and more specifically the health and pension plan, as follows:
For 2017 the following were applied
3.5% |
6.5% |
0.5% - 15% |
1.5% - 15% |
0.5% |
0.5 – 15% |
• Employer participation rate:
For employees insured up to 31/12/1992 (old) 6.5%
For employees insured after 1/1/1993 (new) 2.5%
In addition, for shift workers, an employer's shift payment is paid at 2.5% on the shift rate (24.5%)
• Employee participation percentage:
Employee participation rates vary as follows:
For employees insured up to 31/12/1992 (old) the rate is from 1.5% to 15%.
For employees insured after 1/1/1993 (new) the rate is from 0.5% to 15%.
1.5% employer & 2-6% employees. An employee has the ability to unilaterally increase the percentage to the limit, i.e. 6%. (Min: 2%)
ΗΡ Cyprus
Participation 100% which for 2017 includes: Employer: Define Benefit Plan 17.3% and Define Contribution 5%, Employee: Define Contributions 5% -15%. For newly insured employees from 2015, the Employer pays 8% for the Define Contribution while Employees pay 5-15%.
15% employee/ 5.5% employer contribution. Retirement contributions are legal obligations, set up by State laws and regulations.
ΕΚΟ Serbia
The contributions to pension & health are in accordance with the law which defines them as 14% of gross earnings.
Financial assistance received from government