2017 Sustainable Development & Corporate Responsibility Report


The following explanations are provided for readers of this Report who are not familiar with all the technical names and acronyms referred to herein.  


AIC Aspropyrgos Industrial Complex
AIF All Injury Frequency– Total injuries: number of fatalities + absence + limited capacity + incapacity care (first aid exempted) x 106 by total number of man-hours. Ιs calculated from the sum of fatalities, LWIs, Restricted Workdays Injuries and Medical Treatment Cases divided by the number of hours worked expressed in millions.
ΑΡΙ Αmerican Petroleum Institute.
AR Absentee Rate - The actual days of absence, expressed as a percentage of total days scheduled to be worked, by the workforce, divided by the same period. Excludes authorized leave and absences due to annual leave, study, childbirth, maternity, serious personal reasons.
ΒoD Board of Directors
CCPS Center for Chemical Process Safety
CLP The European Regulation (R1272/2008) for the Classification, Labelling and Packaging of substances and mixtures.
COMO Company Owned/Company Operated/Managed fuel station.
CONCAWE Conservation of Clean Air and Water in Europe, the oil companies’ European Organisation for the environment, health and safety.

Communication on Progress, an annual report proving the company’s commitment towards UNGC principles
(see at www.unglobalcompact.org/Communicatingprogress/).

Corporate Social Responsibility See CSR
CSR These are the widely used initials of Corporate Social Responsibility. The report, however, refers to the concept of "Corporate Social Responsibility", which is the most correct term/use.
DODO Dealer Owned/Dealer Operated fuel station.
EIC Elefsina Industrial Complex
ΕLOT The Greek Standardization Organization.
ΕSΥPP Internal Safety & Prevention Services. An operational unit, within an organisation, operating under PD95/1999, aiming at monitoring the occupational health and safety and implementing measures to minimize accidents.
EU - ETS European Union’s GHG Emission Trading Scheme.

The Board of Directors of the limited liability company listed on the ATHEX consists of executive and non-executive members. The status of the members of the Board of Directors as executive or not is defined by the Board of Directors (Law 3016/2002). Executives members are responsible for the company’s day-to-day management issues, while non-executive members are engaged in the promotion of all corporate issues. The number of non-executive members must be at least equal to 1/3 of the total number of members of the Board.


External Protection and Prevention Service (in accordance with Presidential Decree 95/1999 on the supervision of the health of workers, the observance of health conditions and the adoption of measures for the protection and avoidance of accidents).


Stands for Employee Committee for Occupational Health & Safety.

FUELS EUROPE The European Petroleum Industry Association

Group’s Corporate Affairs Division (includes Group’s CSR Division and Group’s Communication Division).

GHG Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
GHSESD Group’s Health, Safety, Environment and Sustainable Development Division.
GRI Standards Global Reporting Initiative, Sustainability Reporting Guidelines.
HELLENIC PETROLEUM Refers to the HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group, unless referred to otherwise. 
ISGOTT Internal Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals.
ISM Institute of Supply Management.
LDAR Leak Detection and Repair System.
LWI Lost Workday Injury.
LWIF Lost Workday Injury Frequency – Lost Workday Injury Frequency (per 1,000,000 man-hours).
LWIS Lost Workday Injury Severity.
MARPOL Marine Pollution.
MTC Medical Treatment Cases.
MY CLIMATE  Global organization involved in carbon footprint compensation programs.
ODR Occupational Diseases Rate.
OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Accreditation System.
PPE  Personal Protection Equipment.
PSE Process Safety Event.
PSER Process Safety Event Rate.

Τhe European regulation for “Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals’’ (R1907/2006), in force amongst EU member State from 1st of June 2007.

RWI  Restricted Workday Injuries.
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals - The joint commitment of the 193 UN member states is that they will actively contribute to the implementation of 17 objectives related to sustainable development by 2030.
Stakeholders Interested Parties or Social Partners are those directly or indirectly affected by the activities of a business but at the same time can also influence them. These include employees, customers, shareholders, business associates, governments, local communities, non-governmental organizations, etc.
Sustainable Development Increasing economic activity in a way that respects the environment and uses natural resources in a harmonious way so as not to interfere with the ability of future generations to meet their needs (Third Community Support Framework).
The UN Global Compact (UNGC) The Global Compact (a voluntary UN initiative) is a framework for businesses that commit themselves to align their functions and strategies with 10 universally accepted principles (24 criteria) in the areas of human rights, working conditions, the environment and the fight against corruption.
TIC Thessaloniki Industrial Complex.
UNGC United Nations Global Compact.
VOC Volatile Organic Compounds.
HELLENIC PETROLEUM SARegistered Address: 8A Chimarras str., 151 25-Maroussi/Greece
S.A. Registration Number.: 2443/06/B/86/23
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